Blog Income Report August 2021

It’s kinda comical 🙂 to post a blog income report for August 2021 at this time. There is really nothing to report right now as I’ve just recently started writing in this blog. But, I’d like to start making this a habit to post my income report (whether there’s any or none) and start ASAP and diligently do one every first week of the month.

Blog Traffic Numbers

Good thing I started this post. I was checking traffic and didn’t see any for August in Google Analytics. Guess what? I forgot to set up Analytics. 🙂 I’ve set it up now so I should have something to show you next month. Sorry, my bad.

Number of Posts for August

I’d like to track this as a metric so I’m including this here. For last month, I only manage to write 1 post. It’s not really a good output so I got to really improve. Income is directly proportional to the output. So, no income if there’s no blog posts.

Blog Income Sources

Again, there’s nothing really to report right now. My Google Adsense account is not yet fully setup. Google feels I don’t have enough content on my blog to let me put ads here. I haven’t signed up either on any affiliate marketing programs and haven’t reached out to companies for sponsorship of the blog.

I’ve set up the donation button and really interested to see if there’s anyone out there that will donate. Let’s see how it goes. It’s an experiment.

Income SourceMonthly IncomeComments
Affiliate Marketing$0

That’s it for my income report for August! A big zero .. haha .. See you next month! I hope I will have something good to report. Comment below your thoughts. I appreciate good discussions. Thanks!

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